domingo, 11 de marzo de 2018

3rd WEEK Challenge

In this 3rd week I have faced some different challenges:
 1. Create a mindmap from the scracht.
 2. Use a google form, translate it into Spanish to use it with my students and send it through whats app and mail.

1. Creating a MINDMAP

I have created my first mindmap using for the first time the tool Popplet. I have found it very motivating for students too. It is easy to create a mind map and It helps showing you different ways of prepare a display to organize the information.
I have choosen this tool because it is an example of how to use the Blooms Taxonomy, Learning, experimenting, adapting and creating a final work with all the information I have researched.

2. Use a google form, translate it into Spanish to use it with my students, send it through whats app. Use the teacher mobile phone to fill the survey.

 Digital footprints:
 These are the results of the Digital footprints of some of the students in primary school and 4 more students in the previous course before University.

1. My students will use electronic devices since they were 3 years old to 12.
2. Access to internet since they were 4 years old.
3.How often are you online? 1 hour a day, every other day.
4. Social Networks more used are Whats app, youtube and Instagrm in that order.
5.Textings at least 1hour a day.
6. They were using very soon the social network as their photos were posted since they were little babies.
7. Parents check their responses and the use they do, but still a 29,4 percentage of parents don't check any.
8. Most of them their parents have talked to them about safety in Internet.
9. Only 29,4 % haven' t posted any video about themselves.
10. Most of them play online.
11. Not being bulling, just few, but only once.

 1. Find and decide which online programme to use to make a mindmap.
 2. Translate the google form into Spanish.
 3. Find out how to upload the results in the google form to Facebook and to the blog
 4. Use the Google presentations to create a document with the final results of the survey.


1. How will you adapt your curriculum according to one or more of the digital learning theories? 
    It is important and useful to use the technology as it is a tool that our students are using more and more everyday. They have born in a Technology society and they have to learn how to communicate properly and in a good manners.
    We can adapt our curriculum by helping students to create different activities or just playing with different activities to reinforce their learning. Like using gamification, and tools to evaluate what they have learnt about in a motivating way.

2. How will teaching students about their digital footprint benefit them?
    - it helps them to know that it is important the impact they are making in a digital society.
    - It helps them to be aware of the dangers they can find.
    - It helps them to know how to behave online.
    - It helps them to know that everything in written is a prove of their lifes.
    - It will have impact in their future.

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