martes, 27 de febrero de 2018

Digital badges

In this page you will see the digital badges I have created for this learning mission:

At the end of the activity you will receive different badges:

    - Good listener badget:
          - You have worked patiently with your classmates.
          - You have listened to all the suggestion and reach an agreement.
          - You show good manners and consideration to all the components in the team.

   - Tourist musical guide badget:
          - You explain different ensembles of music with appropriate vocabulary.
          - You will sing 2 typical songs for Fallas.

  - Video and photo badge, at the end of the task

Design digital badges to motivate students:
1. What tools help teachers design and award digital badges to students?
    In the course you have suggested the following tools:
 I have decided to use Makebadges, as it is easy to create the budges, eventhough I have tried the Canva tool too, that I think it has more options and gives you more freedom to be more creative, but of course, you need to invest more time on it.

2. What are the components of a digital badge?
       - Certify by a recognition
    - Shows proof of learning.
    - Shows other characteristics about citizenship related with standards.
    - Help to improve different skills.

3. Defining the criteria to earn a badge.
    Students will know what they have to accomplish to earn the budge and they will decide what to do in order to get it. Also if they classmates get it, it would be an extra motivation to try to earn it too.

4. Why providing evidence is essential for earning a badge.
     - Because everybody can have a chance to get it.
     - Because students will make an effort to earn it. 
     - Because everybody loves to see and to show a well done work, that can             inspire others and also improve self-steem.
     - Because the person who gives the badge provides a testimony of the                 student’s achievement.


This week we have been said to create a learning mission or challenge to our students with a motivated task  more meaningful than just do and exercise of the book.
Activity from the book: Listen to different ensembles of instruments and identify the picture that represents it.

This is the learning mission, I have created:


Mission Student Challenge: To become a tourist musical guide during Fallas festival.

Mission Description (What do students need to do to accomplish the mission?): To accomplish this mission successfully students will create a video explaining 2 different musical ensembles and 2 typical songs in Fallas festival as if they were a tourist guide in the Palau of the Music in Valencia.

Mission Overview/Steps:
  • Play the game: Match the different ensembles: name, picture and definition
  • Decide 2 ensembles that are typical to Fallas.
  • Decide 2 typical music and songs that are played by 2 different ensembles.
  • Record a video to explain to your classmates and other schools 2 different ensembles you can find during Fallas festival.

  • Students will know different musical ensembles and typical songs during Fallas festival
  • Students will express themselves properly.
  • Students will receive feedback from their classmates and the other schools classmates.
  • Students will share their own festival with others

  • The purpose of this mission is to show to others the importance of music in our Valencian Community.

Recommended Tools and Resources
  • Youtube videos for inspiration
                + Himno de Valencia:

  • Tablet for taking photos and recording tool.

At the end of the activity you will receive different badges:
    - Good listener badget:
          - You have worked patiently with your classmates.
          - You have listened to all the suggestion and reach an agreement.
          - You show good manners and consideration to all the components in the team.
   - Tourist musical guide badget:
          - You explain different ensembles of music with appropriate vocabulary.
          - You will sing 2 typical songs for Fallas.
  - Video and photo badge, at the end of the task

domingo, 25 de febrero de 2018

1st WEEK CHALLENGE. This is Me. Music teacher

Hello dear friends,
 This is Rut, I am challenging myself creating this blog. In this first challenge I am going to:
   - Upload a picture with three emoticons which describes myself using Twitter to do it.
   - Pin my location to the map provided in the course.
   - Create a blog and decide a bookmark to create a portfolio about our learning in this Mooc.

I love music, learning from others and enjoy with friends all around the world. I am a primary school teacher, teaching music in English. I play the piano and I expect learning a lot from all of you.


I think that learning a foreign language with music is very motivating, and also learning through interaction with other classmates from their class and from other students from around the world, keeps them motivating to learn new things. 
Sharing knowledge is the best way to be  motivated.

i lo
This blog:
It is a blog with teachers show their Etwining projects and works with their students. It is inspiring to see what other teachers do and learn from each other.
I have done several entries in this blog too:

Etwinning is the Community Schools for Europe:
In this portal you can find:
 - Inspiration and models to create a project with your students.
 - Find teachers who you would like to work with.
 - Professional development.
 - And the Twinspace: the space where you can work with your students in a safety way. Inside you       can add pictures, videos, files, create a forum and communicate with students from other schools         you are working with.

This are my CHALLENGES :
  1. To create a Blog for making a portfolio of the course.
  2. To create a bookmark: Pinterest  
  3. To use Twitter to create and edit an image
  4. To read all the posts and activities of the participants in the course.

  1. To create a blog (I am still in the process to learn how it works).
  2. To create a bookmark with Pinterest
  3. To be patiente with the ICT tools.
  4. To pin my location in the Edublog Map.
  5, To being inspired with the other participants to create new things.