domingo, 25 de febrero de 2018

1st WEEK CHALLENGE. This is Me. Music teacher

Hello dear friends,
 This is Rut, I am challenging myself creating this blog. In this first challenge I am going to:
   - Upload a picture with three emoticons which describes myself using Twitter to do it.
   - Pin my location to the map provided in the course.
   - Create a blog and decide a bookmark to create a portfolio about our learning in this Mooc.

I love music, learning from others and enjoy with friends all around the world. I am a primary school teacher, teaching music in English. I play the piano and I expect learning a lot from all of you.


I think that learning a foreign language with music is very motivating, and also learning through interaction with other classmates from their class and from other students from around the world, keeps them motivating to learn new things. 
Sharing knowledge is the best way to be  motivated.

i lo
This blog:
It is a blog with teachers show their Etwining projects and works with their students. It is inspiring to see what other teachers do and learn from each other.
I have done several entries in this blog too:

Etwinning is the Community Schools for Europe:
In this portal you can find:
 - Inspiration and models to create a project with your students.
 - Find teachers who you would like to work with.
 - Professional development.
 - And the Twinspace: the space where you can work with your students in a safety way. Inside you       can add pictures, videos, files, create a forum and communicate with students from other schools         you are working with.

This are my CHALLENGES :
  1. To create a Blog for making a portfolio of the course.
  2. To create a bookmark: Pinterest  
  3. To use Twitter to create and edit an image
  4. To read all the posts and activities of the participants in the course.

  1. To create a blog (I am still in the process to learn how it works).
  2. To create a bookmark with Pinterest
  3. To be patiente with the ICT tools.
  4. To pin my location in the Edublog Map.
  5, To being inspired with the other participants to create new things.

1 comentario:

  1. Dear Rut:
    Very well-detailed post! I am so glad you are challenging yourself to do something new and feel good about it. Keep up with the great work!
