lunes, 19 de marzo de 2018

What have you learned during your learning journey throughout the course?

In this activity we will do a review about the Mooc of the course.

I would like to say thank you to all the supportive teachers, colleagues and participants to make this Mooc meaningful.

  • What was your favorite assignment?                                              Creating the badges to give it to the students and the teacher survival kit.
  • Which unit do you feel helped you grow the most?                            Unit 2 Learning meaningful for students. This unit had helped me to create badges and to see how motivating are to my students. At the beginning I didn´t believe the badges will motivate them but later I have seen how they worked and I love it. It is a simple way to help them learn.
  • Which parts of the course were the most challenging?                          The most challenging was the first unit as I had to make some decisions using some tools that I have never tried before, but I have learnt a lot going outside of my confort zone.                                                                                    The peer to peer assignment was challenging because I tried to read all the activities at the beginning and see all the posts that were on facebook. Later, I decided to read some and specially the ones for the task assignment and try to give positive feedback to the rest of participants.                                        The last challenge was the most exciting but the most difficult to accomplish in a short period of time.
  • How has participating in this course helped you become a better teacher and learner?                                                                         Because I have seen different displays, different tools and different ways to work the same theme. I love to learn from others work and others subjects. The think I like the most is that I will be able to read and to come back to this Mooc when I needed more information about. All the links and resources has been very useful for my teaching and learning.

Reflect on what you have learnt

  1. What was your global collaboration project? As we were evaluating our students at school at that time, I decided to share with the participants a collaborative project I did last year with my students.                                                                                                                                 The project was about music. It was challenging at first because we had to agree what kind of activities we would do. But later it was wonderful to see that all the teachers involved were eager to learn and to suggest different activities that enriched our project.                                       
         The two founders and me decided which task we were going to do and our roles in the project; mine was to set up the Twinspace and to write emails to the rest of the participants creating a google team mail.                                                                                                          
    We also used the twinspace forum were all participants could agree on the activities and make suggestions. It was great to see the enthusiasm and collaboration work of our partners. It was my first time working with 7 different countries and it was a wonderful musical project.                                                                                                                                                                                       
  2. What did planning a global collaboration project with a peer in this course teach you?        I wish I could have plan a project with some of the participants I have seen here in the Mooc for next year, but in my opinion a good project have to be well plan a not just do it in a hurry.       It has been very useful to have received a feedback from the participants in this course, sometimes  I felt overwhelmed with the amount of work but on those moments, I received a postivie feedback or just a comment from the participants and from the helpers in the Mooc.
  3. What social media has helped in this course. I have to say that I like the way to use the social media like Facebook and twitter to show the work, and to received the feedback about your work. It is useful and encouraging if you use it in the wise way. It is easy, fast and maintain you in contact learning with other and throuch others.

5th week challenge

In this 5th week challenge, we have to create a collaborative activity.

Do to the lack of time, I would like to share a collaborative Etwinning project we did last year. We received the National Quality Label and the European quality label

The link to the school webpage:


We created several videos for the concert in 3 parts:
Together in concert 1

Together in concert 2

Together in concert 3

This is the link to the twinspace:

The main idea was to create a concert together beyond the borderS. We participated with 7 different countries:
   - Spain
   - Turkey
   - Greece
   - Poland
   - Italy
   - Latvia
   - Ucraine
We use different tools to communicate to each other:
   Google form for the contest.

And some other to create videos about our work.
All students were involved, singing, playing instruments and recording the videos. We created a final video with a concert programme with all the countries together and also participate learning music together. it was a wonderful musical project. We voted and gived to the children a final 1st to 3rd place for their work. We also involve parents and teachers in the votation so all can see and learn what we were doing during that school year through Etwinning.
It was also very interesting to learn about the different popular instruments in the different countries and the definitions and also to see how they sound.

4th week challenge: Technology for parents in our school

In this post I have to create a page for parents relate it with Internet safety. In our school we have add to our school webpage about the :

Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad and this is the webpage:
It is a page in Spanish talking about:
      - What do you need to know about Internet safety.
      - What is useful for parents and children
      - They also have an online help in case you need it.
      - Some useful articles in Spanish about Privacy, parental control, and a family guides.

This is my presentation using SWAY:

Tecnología para padres

 I have done a research about some videos that would be useful to show to our students and talk about them as a teachers but also as a parents.

Our school webpage:

1. Be aware of the new technological era.
2. Share time with your children while he/she is playing in front of the screen they will enjoy more if you are sharing that playing time with them.
3. Talk always to your children about not to share any personal information through internet.
4. Invest time learning about social networks and do not regret to use it. Your children will appreciate your effort in learning and they will be happy teaching you how to use it.
5. Spend time with your children using the new technologies and offer them new ways of using their electronical devices: mobile phones, tablets, PSP, etc

This is a video for kindergarten and 1st, 2n  and 3rd grade (3 to 8 years old)

It is very important too, to pay attention to your digital footprint because it is your digital identity and it will affect all your life. This video is more for 4th, 5th and 6th grade (9 to 11 years old).

In this video you will see in Spanish 10 tips to surf safe through internet.

If you show good manners to your children, you should show good manners through internet too.

As I am a teacher in a primary school I have decided that this is the best way to show our students how to behave using the new technologies. There are a lot more videos about it. I have just pick some that I think are useful for my school.

We have also work with eSafety through Etwinning platform.

 It is a platform where teachers and students from different countries can be in touch in a safety way, and that it is require to talk about the netiquette and your behaviour. It is very useful how we solve the problems we find and the way we can talk to our students to solve it and to make them aware of what its right and what it is not right.

I really appreciate the effort of the rest of participants in the Mooc Intef creating the pages for their schools, I have learnt a lot from them and some tips that I have no idea. It is very useful to learn in a community where all the teachers are interested in the same things eventhough we are not in the same country, and this is the part I like the most, we learn from each other no matter where we are.

miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2018

4th Week Challenge: Teacher survival kit and tips

In this 4th week challenge, I will show:

1. My teacher survival kit, with tips and ideas.
 I have created this interactive image using Buncee. It is simple and easy and it has a lot of templates ready to use.

   Made with Buncee:


  • What is in your teacher survival kit? In my teacher survival kit I have resources for my students to play games, play instruments and use technology to create projects and some useful tips when internet conection fails.
  • How will your teacher survival kit help you better manage your classroom? As I am always ready to play a rhythm game with them or to practise our favourite songs with the instruments in the classroom.
  • How will creating a resource hub for parents help you engage parents so that students behave better online and in your classroom? If the parents are aware of what we do online at school they can also track their children records at home and participate with the teacher collaborating with some resources and with the safety use in internet.

domingo, 11 de marzo de 2018

3rd WEEK Challenge

In this 3rd week I have faced some different challenges:
 1. Create a mindmap from the scracht.
 2. Use a google form, translate it into Spanish to use it with my students and send it through whats app and mail.

1. Creating a MINDMAP

I have created my first mindmap using for the first time the tool Popplet. I have found it very motivating for students too. It is easy to create a mind map and It helps showing you different ways of prepare a display to organize the information.
I have choosen this tool because it is an example of how to use the Blooms Taxonomy, Learning, experimenting, adapting and creating a final work with all the information I have researched.

2. Use a google form, translate it into Spanish to use it with my students, send it through whats app. Use the teacher mobile phone to fill the survey.

 Digital footprints:
 These are the results of the Digital footprints of some of the students in primary school and 4 more students in the previous course before University.

1. My students will use electronic devices since they were 3 years old to 12.
2. Access to internet since they were 4 years old.
3.How often are you online? 1 hour a day, every other day.
4. Social Networks more used are Whats app, youtube and Instagrm in that order.
5.Textings at least 1hour a day.
6. They were using very soon the social network as their photos were posted since they were little babies.
7. Parents check their responses and the use they do, but still a 29,4 percentage of parents don't check any.
8. Most of them their parents have talked to them about safety in Internet.
9. Only 29,4 % haven' t posted any video about themselves.
10. Most of them play online.
11. Not being bulling, just few, but only once.

 1. Find and decide which online programme to use to make a mindmap.
 2. Translate the google form into Spanish.
 3. Find out how to upload the results in the google form to Facebook and to the blog
 4. Use the Google presentations to create a document with the final results of the survey.


1. How will you adapt your curriculum according to one or more of the digital learning theories? 
    It is important and useful to use the technology as it is a tool that our students are using more and more everyday. They have born in a Technology society and they have to learn how to communicate properly and in a good manners.
    We can adapt our curriculum by helping students to create different activities or just playing with different activities to reinforce their learning. Like using gamification, and tools to evaluate what they have learnt about in a motivating way.

2. How will teaching students about their digital footprint benefit them?
    - it helps them to know that it is important the impact they are making in a digital society.
    - It helps them to be aware of the dangers they can find.
    - It helps them to know how to behave online.
    - It helps them to know that everything in written is a prove of their lifes.
    - It will have impact in their future.